June 11, 2010


Please let me introduce you to Mr. Scoobs, Scoobs for short. I met this character at a certain 12 step program which I needed to check myself into. Please see prior posts for the reasoning behind this. Quickly, the "program" is about as exciting for my dating career as a yeast infection. All the dudes are maniacs, ugly, boring and I'm sure have at least two transmittable diseases. Continuing on. Met this fellow back in November. His first nickname was social suicide. You know, the sort of guy you show up with somewhere and immediately phones are out and mass texts are being sent. In spite of this we became friends. It's all platonic of course. We text racial jokes to each other and the such. The 2010 moves for people who are out of touch with their feelings. So months pass and it's nothing. Then one epic day I get a text and the words are mispelled and weird conversation is breaking down. Conclusion. He's off the wagon. Now this is of no consequence to me. If I am friends with someone then thats that. Regardless of their alcohol intake. Not so long ago, I would have been right there with 'em. So from this point further there are all these drunken hangouts. Not I. I am clutching the sober wagon ropes tightly in my white knuckled hands. To speed things up a bit, these hangouts have progressed from watching movies to me sleeping over, to now intense "cuddle" sessions. I have regressed to the 7th grade and its just PEACHY. We shall see where this rocky road takes me. I can't imagine anywhere good considering my keen judge of character.

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