January 8, 2009

Cruel Intentions

Sad but true Dogtown and I are no longer dating..actually we never were dating. We would just hang out at my house and watch movies. We should have had our very own show, Siskel and DOGbert. We could have made millions. The demise started right before Christmas. We both went to this secret santa party. Things prior had been great, movies (shocking), sexing, boozing...all my favorite things. Then the party. I roll up and we barely speak. We all decided to go to the local bar. When we arrive we don't really talk. I end up running into some old friends and start hanging with them while Dogtown is either pouting or drunk in the corner. I proceed to get shitty and do tequilla shots, per usual. I'm partying my ass off and Dogtown comes up to me and is like are you going to be here cause I'm going to walk so and so home. I'm like yeah totally. He bounces, never to be seen again. My other friends are cruisin' to another bar and I'm like am I really going to hang at this shit hole and wait for this child-man to come back. Hell no. I send a text like yo, where are you. No response. Fuck it. I cruise to the other bar drink MUCH more and end the night just as to be expected.
For the next few days he randomly texts me nonsense which is too boring to recall. Fast forward a week. Mutual friend is in town. I receive a text, "yo what are you guys up to this weekend." I reply with "we're going to a show, you should come." He replies with "oh I'm busy." Err then why did you text me. Basically from that point on things went downhill fast. We spoke on the phone a few times. I asked him what he got for Christmas. Simple question. He and went on about all these gourmet kitchen supplies that his family got him. Sorry I'm not cool, I don't know what a Bombilla Tea Straw is.
Here's the thing. You can tell Dogtown comes from money, but decided to come down to the city to "slum it" so to speak. When he's an investment broker in his forties with his socialite wife, who is banging all his friends and snorting an 8-ball a day, he'll tell stories of when he lived in the ghetto and all the nasty things he saw and all the crazy girls he dated. They'll all have a chuckle as they drink their mojitos on a yatch in the harbor. Sorry bud, but I live in the hood because I'm broke. And guess what, I enjoy the tranny prostitutes that hang out at the park by my house. And I don' t drink tea, I drink coffee. I don't have a "gourd" as an accessory in my home. I dont listen to 60's soul music because all the other rich white kids think its cool. I don't wear moccasins for shoes and I don't make crepes for breakfast. Ghetto is something that is innate, it can not be copied. Many try but fail miserably. So long dogtown, if there's ever a Cruel Intentions, Part 2, you'll be the first on the list.